Two times a number less 4 is greater than the same number plus 6. For what number or numbers is this true?

Just "translate" the English into Math

"Two times a number less 4 is greater than the same number plus 6"

2x - 4 > x + 6

now just solve that.

To solve this equation, we can start by defining the unknown number. Let's call it "x."

The given equation is: 2x - 4 > x + 6

To find the solution, we need to isolate the variable "x" on one side of the inequality.

First, let's subtract "x" from both sides of the equation to eliminate it from the right-hand side:

2x - x - 4 > x - x + 6

Simplifying, we get:

x - 4 > 6

Next, let's add 4 to both sides of the equation to move the constant term to the right-hand side:

x - 4 + 4 > 6 + 4

Simplifying further:

x > 10

Therefore, the inequality states that "x" is greater than 10.

In conclusion, any number greater than 10 will satisfy the given equation: "Two times a number less 4 is greater than the same number plus 6."