1. Reading a message is convenient for him.

2. To read a message is convenient for him.

3. It is convenient for him to read a message.

4. It is convenient his reading a message.

Are all the sentences above grammatical?

Number 4 is awkward and shouldn't be used.

The others are correct -- but number 3 is best.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum again. I would change #4 to "His reading a message (subject) is convenient.

To determine if the sentences are grammatical, we need to analyze the sentence structure and grammar rules.

1. "Reading a message is convenient for him."
This sentence is grammatically correct. It follows a common subject-verb-object pattern. "Reading" is the gerund form of the verb "read," which functions as the subject of the sentence. "A message" is the object of the sentence, and "is" is the verb.

2. "To read a message is convenient for him."
This sentence is also grammatically correct. The structure here is slightly different, with the infinitive phrase "To read a message" functioning as the subject of the sentence. "Is" is the verb, and "convenient for him" is the predicate.

3. "It is convenient for him to read a message."
This sentence is grammatically correct. The structure is similar to sentence #2, but with "It" serving as the grammatical subject. "Is" is the verb, and "convenient for him to read a message" is the predicate.

4. "It is convenient his reading a message."
This sentence is not grammatically correct. The possessive pronoun "his" is not used correctly here. Instead, it should be "for him" as in sentence #3.

In summary, sentences 1, 2, and 3 are grammatically correct, while sentence 4 is not.