Can you please check my answers?

Any questions involing italicized words just skip.

1. Choose the sentence in which the verb has a direct object.
A. They won the game.
B. She is insecure.
C. I walked away.
D. George was furious.

2. Which one of the following is a correct example of the plural possessive case?
A. woman's plans
B. it's place
C. men's plans
D. stone's throw

3. Select the sentence in which all pronouns are used correctly.
A. I sat between him and her during the sales conference.
B. I hope she will keep this between she and I.
C. Just between you and I, I am not impressed by our new manager.
D. Be sure to divide all income from the suburban property between he and I.

4. Which of the following is a correctly written compound word?
A. Thirty one
B. Self-evident
C. Spur of the moment-decision
D. Quickly-running

5. Which sentence below contains a correctly used modifier in italics?
A. He spoke sharply to his sister.
B. The sauce tasted bitterly, and I couldn't swallow it.
C. Joe looked sad at his broken bike.
D. I feel goodly now that I'm over the flu.

6. Choose the sentence which contains an indirect object.
A. I spent it immediately.
B. I worked hard each day.
C. It is difficult to save money.
D. They gave me a bonus.

7. Which one of the following sentences contains an error in its verb?
A. Both Clara and Nathan is planning to attend.
B. Either footnotes or endnotes are acceptable.
C. Not only the players but also coach Jarvis was late for practice.
D. Neither bananas nor squash was for sale.

8. Choose the sentence that has a subject complement.
A. The nurse felt my pulse.
B. I felt much better.
C. We can't leave without seeing her.
D. The day ended with many surprises.

9. What is the indirect object in the following sentence?
For her birthday, Jody bought Alice an angora sweater.
A. Sweater
B. Birthday
C. Jody
D. Alice

10. Which one of the following is a correct example of the singular possessive case?
A. audiences' reaction
B. women's club
C. king's rights
D. who's job

11. Choose the simple subject in the following sentence.
The tallest contestant won the prize.
A. won
B. prize
C. contestant
D. tallest

12. Which one of the following is a correct spelling of a plural noun?
A. knifes
B. buffaloes
C. gooses
D. oxes

13. Choose the sentence below in which of is used correctly.
A. The boys surrendered, but they should of fought.
B. The bird flew north of the beach.
C. The three girls might of broken the records.
D. We should of left early.

14. Which of the following sentences contains an italicized word that's used as a predicate adjective?
A. Jerry looks ill today.
B. Jerry looks into the microscope.
C. Jerry looks at the map.
D. Jerry looks disdainfully at the pile of laundry.

15. Which one of the following word or words is an example of a correlative conjunction?
A. And
B. Since
C. Either . . . or
D. Because

16. In which one of the following sentences would the word cheerful correctly complete the statement?
A. Carolyn talked _______ about her experience.
B. Jonathan participated _______ in the holiday parade.
C. George laughed _______ when his wife teased him.
D. Gladys looked _______ when she heard the encouraging news.

17. Concerning dictionaries and their proper use, which one of the following statements is most accurate?
A. A dictionary's word entry offers a fixed, permanent meaning.
B. Foreign words are not included in English dictionaries.
C. Formal usage of a word is considered colloquial.
D. A syllable is a unit of sound.

18. Which of the following sentences does not properly use a subordinating conjunction?
A. As the man said, what comes around goes around.
B. He acts like he's going to cry.
C. You stay put unless I call for you.
D. I will refuse his demands because they are outrageous.

19. Which one of the following sentences contains an incorrect usage of the singular possessive?
A. Mary was dominant among Jesus' disciples.
B. The north forty has always been my family's land.
C. Icarus's fate was sealed when he approached the sun.
D. The alpha male is often the pack's leader.
End of exam

20. Select the sentence in which the verb correctly agrees with the subject.
A. Not only the muffler but also the spark plugs need to be replaced.
B. Les and Miranda is late for work today.
C. A copy of Moby Dick and several magazines has disappeared from my room.
D. Peggy and Phyllis drives me to Florida every winter.

These are my answers-
1. A 11. C
2. C 12. B
3. C 13. B
4. B skip
skip 15. C
6. D 16. D
7. A 17. D
8. B 18. B
9. D 19. C
10. C 20. A

Incorrect: 3

?? - 19

1-c 2-b 3-a 4-b5-b6-b7-a8-c9-d10-b11-a12-b13-b14-a15-b16-a17-b18-d19-b20-c


14. is (A)..... Believe


Sure! Let's go through the answers one by one and check them.

1. The correct answer is A. "They won the game." In this sentence, the verb "won" has a direct object "the game."

2. The correct answer is C. "men's plans." This is an example of the plural possessive case.

3. The correct answer is C. "Just between you and me, I am not impressed by our new manager." In this sentence, both pronouns "you" and "me" are used correctly.

4. The correct answer is B. "Self-evident." This is a correctly written compound word.

5. The correct answer is A. "He spoke sharply to his sister." In this sentence, the modifier "sharply" is correctly used.

6. The correct answer is D. "They gave me a bonus." In this sentence, the indirect object is "me."

7. The correct answer is A. "Both Clara and Nathan are planning to attend." The verb should agree with the plural subject, so it should be "are" instead of "is."

8. The correct answer is B. "I felt much better." In this sentence, "much better" is a subject complement that describes the subject "I."

9. The correct answer is D. "Alice" is the indirect object in this sentence.

10. The correct answer is C. "king's rights." This is an example of the singular possessive case.

11. The correct answer is C. "contestant" is the simple subject in this sentence.

12. The correct answer is B. "buffaloes" is the correct spelling of the plural noun.

13. The correct answer is B. "The bird flew north of the beach." This uses "of" correctly.

14. The correct answer is A. "Jerry looks ill today." In this sentence, "ill" is used as a predicate adjective to describe "Jerry."

15. The correct answer is C. "Either . . . or" is an example of a correlative conjunction.

16. The correct answer is D. "Gladys looked cheerful when she heard the encouraging news." This correctly completes the statement.

17. The most accurate statement is D. "A syllable is a unit of sound."

18. The correct answer is B. "He acts like he's going to cry." This does not properly use a subordinating conjunction.

19. The correct answer is C. "Icarus's fate was sealed when he approached the sun." The incorrect usage is the apostrophe after "s" in "Icarus's."

20. The correct answer is A. "Not only the muffler but also the spark plugs need to be replaced." The verb "need" correctly agrees with the subject.

Based on the corrections, here are the updated answers:

1. A 11. C
2. C 12. B
3. C 13. B
4. B skip
skip 15. C
6. D 16. D
7. A 17. D
8. B 18. B
9. D 19. C
10. C 20. A

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions or need further clarification.