6 thousand 38 hundreds =


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To convert "6 thousand 38 hundreds" into a standard numerical form, you need to understand how place values work.

The place values, from right to left, are ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on. When a number is written as "6 thousand 38 hundreds," you can interpret it as 6 thousands plus 38 hundreds.

One thousand is equal to 1,000, and one hundred is equal to 100. To convert thousands into the standard numerical form, you need to multiply the number by 1,000. Similarly, to convert hundreds, you need to multiply the number by 100.

So, 6 thousands can be converted into the standard form as 6 x 1,000 = 6,000. And 38 hundreds can be converted as 38 x 100 = 3,800.

Adding 6,000 and 3,800 together gives you the final answer:

6,000 + 3,800 = 9,800.

Therefore, "6 thousand 38 hundreds" is equal to 9,800.