a vase in the shape of a cube has a side measuring of 7 inches which of the numbers below is the best estimate of how much water it will hold?

a 125 in3 b 200 in3 B 200 in3

c 300 in3 d 350 in3 d 350 in3

Which is closest to 7^3 (7 cubed) cubic inches?

Why did you list b and d twice?

It can be 125in or 200in or 300in or 350in.

To determine the volume of the cube-shaped vase, we need to calculate the volume of a cube using the formula: volume = side^3.

Given that the side of the cube-shaped vase measures 7 inches, we can substitute this value into the formula:

volume = 7^3 = 7 * 7 * 7 = 343 cubic inches

Based on this calculation, the best estimate of how much water the vase will hold is 343 in3. None of the given options (a, b, c, d) match this value exactly. However, option d, 350 in3, is the closest estimate, making it the best option from the choices provided.