Are all aztecs able to wear feather headdress or just royalty and rich people?

It was only royalty and rich who word feather headdresses.

Thanks Ms.Sue! :)

You're welcome, Slippy.

You are very smart! :D

To determine whether all Aztecs were able to wear feather headdresses or if it was limited to royalty and rich people, we can consult historical records and archaeological evidence.

In the Aztec civilization, feather headdresses were significant symbols of status and rank. They were elaborate headpieces made with precious feathers, often worn by nobles and high-ranking individuals. Feathers used for these headdresses were obtained from rare and exotic birds, making them valuable and exclusive.

While it is likely that feather headdresses were primarily reserved for Aztec royalty, noble classes, and those with wealth and power, it is challenging to say with absolute certainty that they were entirely restricted to this group.

Unfortunately, due to the limited surviving records and the fact that feathers decay over time, there is less evidence about feather headdress usage among the lower classes. It is plausible that individuals of lower social status may have worn simpler or less extravagant versions of headdresses or other ornamentation made from different materials.

Overall, to ascertain the precise degree of exclusivity or accessibility of feather headdresses among the Aztecs, more research and archaeological discoveries would be necessary.