A verb can be one word or a group of words.

True or False
I said false

What about these verbs?

may be coming
has been seen
could have been working

I see what you're saying now:) Thanks

You're welcome.

To determine whether a verb can be one word or a group of words, we need to understand what a verb is. A verb is a word that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being.

In English, verbs can indeed be one word or a group of words.

A single word can function as a verb, such as "run," "eat," or "sleep." These verbs express actions or states of being in a concise manner.

On the other hand, a verb can also be a group of words known as a verb phrase. A verb phrase consists of a main verb and one or more helping or auxiliary verbs that provide additional information. For example, "is running," "have eaten," or "will be sleeping" are all verb phrases.

Therefore, the statement "A verb can be one word or a group of words" is true.