Despite their differences, the Founding Fathers all agreed that _____.

Are these your choices?

A)democracy was the most important political value
B)freedom must be protected at all costs
C)the Constitution should balance order, liberty, and popular sovereignty
D)a monarchy should be established to ensure order

I'll be glad to check your answer.

Ms Sue those are all my choices i have read and read but cant find my answer but i think B C D might be the answer are one of them the answerws

Despite their differences, the Founding Fathers all agreed that a strong central government was necessary to establish and maintain a stable nation.

To find the answer to this question, we need to understand some basic information about the Founding Fathers of the United States. The Founding Fathers were a group of influential leaders who played crucial roles in the establishment and formation of the United States of America, particularly during the American Revolution and the drafting of the U.S. Constitution.

Though the Founding Fathers held different backgrounds, viewpoints, and beliefs, they did share certain fundamental values and principles. For example, they generally agreed on the importance of individual liberty, limited government, representative democracy, and the protection of basic rights. These principles can be found reflected in various key documents of that time, including the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

It is important to note that the Founding Fathers did have their differences on many specific issues and policies. For instance, they debated fiercely about the structure of the government, the balance of power between the federal and state levels, and the institution of slavery. However, they managed to find common ground and compromises to forge a foundation upon which the young nation could thrive.

Therefore, the answer to the question "Despite their differences, the Founding Fathers all agreed that _____" would depend on identifying the specific aspect or principle that is being referred to. Overall, the Founding Fathers agreed on the fundamental principles of freedom, democracy, and limited government, but they also had varying opinions and perspectives on numerous other issues.