Does anyone know how to calculate exponential regression on a graphic calulator? I already entered values into my statistics utility but I'm still confued. My problem asks that if a substance has a life for 24 years, and a sample of 80 grams is being observed, how much will remain in 50 years? When will only 5 grams remain? I'm very confused on how to make my exponential model for this problem. Please help.

To calculate exponential regression on a graphic calculator, you need to follow a specific set of steps. Here's how you can do it:

1. Enter your data points into your calculator: In this case, you have the points (0, 80) and (24, ?). To enter these points, go to your statistics utility and find the option to enter data. Enter the x-values as 0 and 24 and the corresponding y-values as 80 and ? (unknown).

2. Once you have entered your data points, go to the regression menu on your calculator. Look for an option that says "Exponential Regression" or something similar. Select that option.

3. The calculator will then calculate the exponential regression equation for your data set. The equation will have the form y = a * e^(bx), where a and b are constants specific to your data set.

4. Now, you can use this regression equation to answer your specific questions. Let's use the equation to find out how much substance remains in 50 years and when only 5 grams remain.

To find out how much substance remains in 50 years, substitute x = 50 into the equation and solve for y. Multiply the result by your initial amount (80 grams) to find the remaining amount.

To find out when only 5 grams remain, set y = 5 in the equation and solve for x. This will give you the time at which the substance reaches that level.

By following this process, you will be able to perform exponential regression on your calculator and solve the specific problems you mentioned.