Write an Assembly program to determine the price of a car rental. The car being rented costs $45 per day and frequent renters get a $15 discount on the total bill. Get as input, the number of days rented and whether the user is part of the frequent renter program (have user enter 1 if they ARE a frequent renter and 0 otherwise). Display the total cost to rent the car.

Sample Run #1:
? 4
? 0
180 Sample Run #2:
? 3
? 1

Write an Assembly program to output a list of number. Read from the user a starting value and an ending value. Your program should output all integers from the starting value through the ending value.

Sample Run:
? 5
? 8

To write an Assembly program to determine the price of a car rental, you can follow these steps:

1. Declare variables to store the number of days rented and the frequent renter status.
2. Prompt the user to enter the number of days rented and store the input in the appropriate variable.
3. Prompt the user to enter the frequent renter status (1 for yes and 0 for no) and store the input in the appropriate variable.
4. Multiply the number of days rented by the daily rental cost of $45 to calculate the total cost.
5. If the user is a frequent renter (status = 1), subtract $15 from the total cost.
6. Display the total cost to rent the car.

Here is an example of how the Assembly code could look like:

; Declare variables
days_rented DW 0 ; Number of days rented
freq_renter DW 0 ; Frequent renter status
total_cost DW 0 ; Total cost to rent the car

; Prompt the user to enter the number of days rented
; Code to display prompt message
; Code to read user input and store in days_rented

; Prompt the user to enter the frequent renter status
; Code to display prompt message
; Code to read user input and store in freq_renter

; Calculate total cost
MOV AX, 45 ; Set AX register to daily rental cost
MOV BX, days_rented ; Load number of days rented to BX
MUL BX ; Multiply AX with BX, result in DX:AX
MOV total_cost, AX ; Store low word of result in total_cost

; Apply discount for frequent renter
CMP freq_renter, 1 ; Compare freq_renter with 1
JE apply_discount ; Jump if equal (user is a frequent renter)

; Display total cost
; Code to display total_cost
; Code to output newline or additional messages if needed
JMP end_program

SUB total_cost, 15 ; Subtract discount from total_cost
; Code to display total_cost
; Code to output newline or additional messages if needed

; Exit the program


For the second Assembly program to output a list of numbers from a starting value to an ending value, you can follow these steps:

1. Declare variables to store the starting value and the ending value.
2. Prompt the user to enter the starting value and store the input in the appropriate variable.
3. Prompt the user to enter the ending value and store the input in the appropriate variable.
4. Use a loop to increment the starting value and display it until it reaches the ending value.

Here is an example of how the Assembly code could look like:

; Declare variables
start_value DW 0 ; Starting value
end_value DW 0 ; Ending value
current_value DW 0 ; Current value in the loop

; Prompt the user to enter the starting value
; Code to display prompt message
; Code to read user input and store in start_value

; Prompt the user to enter the ending value
; Code to display prompt message
; Code to read user input and store in end_value

; Initialize current_value with the starting value
MOV AX, start_value
MOV current_value, AX

; Loop to output numbers from start_value to end_value
; Display current_value
; Code to display current_value
; Code to output newline or additional messages if needed

; Increment current_value
ADD current_value, 1

; Compare current_value with end_value
CMP current_value, end_value
JLE output_numbers ; Jump if less than or equal (continue looping)

; Exit the program


Note: The code provided is just an example and may need to be adjusted depending on the specific Assembly language and its syntax.