Make a spreadsheet to display how the total mass of a 500-kg elevator changes as 50-kg passengers are added one at a time.

To create a spreadsheet that displays how the total mass of a 500-kg elevator changes as 50-kg passengers are added one at a time, follow these steps using Microsoft Excel:

Step 1: Open Microsoft Excel and create a new spreadsheet.

Step 2: In the first column, label cell A1 as "Passenger Number."

Step 3: In the second column, label cell B1 as "Passenger Mass (kg)."

Step 4: In the third column, label cell C1 as "Total Mass (kg)."

Step 5: Enter the numbers 1 to 10 in cells A2 to A11, representing the passenger numbers from 1 to 10.

Step 6: Enter the number 50 in cells B2 to B11, representing the mass of each passenger. If you want to simulate adding more than 10 passengers, you can extend this range.

Step 7: In cell C2, type the formula "=SUM($B$2:B2)+500" and press Enter. This formula calculates the total mass by adding the mass of the elevator (500 kg) to the sum of the passenger masses up to the current row.

Step 8: Click and drag the bottom right corner of cell C2 down to copy the formula to the remaining cells in column C. This will automatically update the formula for each row, adjusting the range for the passenger masses.

Step 9: Customize the appearance of your spreadsheet as desired. You may apply formatting to make the table more visually appealing.

Now your spreadsheet is ready, and it will display how the total mass of the elevator changes as 50-kg passengers are added one at a time.