essay on staff apraisal in an organisation

What kind of organization? Large, small? Profit-making or non-profit? What are the duties of the staff? Who does the appraisals? What criteria does the appraiser use? Efficiency? Use of time? Cordial relations with other staff members? How much money does the worker bring into the company? How often are this appraisals made? What followup procedures are recommended for the appraiser and staff members?

After you've answered these questions, you'll pretty much have written your essay.

To write an essay on staff appraisal in an organization, you need to consider various aspects of the organization, the staff's duties, the appraisal process, and the follow-up procedures. Let's break it down:

1. Understand the organization:
- Determine the size of the organization (e.g., large or small) to understand the context and complexity of the staff appraisal process.
- Identify whether the organization is profit-making or non-profit, as it may influence the criteria for staff appraisal.

2. Identify staff duties:
- Outline the different roles and responsibilities of the staff members in the organization.
- Consider whether there are any specific job descriptions or performance indicators for each role.

3. Determine the appraisers:
- Identify who conducts the appraisals within the organization. It could be a direct supervisor, a department head, or a dedicated HR team.
- Understand the qualifications or experience required for the appraisers to assess staff performance effectively.

4. Explore the criteria for appraisal:
- Determine the specific criteria used by the appraisers to evaluate individual staff members. Common criteria may include efficiency, productivity, quality of work, customer satisfaction, teamwork, or specific job-related goals.
- Consider any additional aspects that might be relevant to the organization, such as time management, interpersonal skills, or contribution to the company's success.

5. Frequency of appraisals:
- Determine the frequency of staff appraisals within the organization. They can be conducted annually, semi-annually, quarterly, or more frequent depending on the organization's requirements and industry norms.
- Explain the reasons behind the chosen frequency, such as aligning with budget cycles, performance improvement, or talent development.

6. Follow-up procedures:
- Outline the recommended follow-up procedures for both the appraisers and staff members after the appraisal.
- This may include setting performance goals, providing constructive feedback, creating improvement plans, offering training or development opportunities, or recognizing exceptional performance.

By addressing these questions and points, you will be able to provide a comprehensive essay on staff appraisal in an organization specific to its size, industry, and appraisal practices. Remember to structure your essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion to ensure coherence and clarity in your writing.