Using the approximation log10^2=0.301, find:


since 10^8 = 10^8,

log 10^8 = 8

giving the exponent makes finding the log easy, since a log is in fact an exponent

log 100 = 2
because 10^2 = 100

log 10^2 = IS NOT .301

log base 10 of 2 = .301
usually written log10(2)
I bet you want log base 10 of 8

log10 (2^3) = 3 log10(2) = 3(.301) = .903
which i bet is what your are looking for

Yes Damon that's what I meant. Thanks!

My bad. I didn't read the entire problem. I might even have caught the strange notation. Go with Damon.

It's fine. Thanks

To find log10^8 using the approximation log10^2 = 0.301, you can use the logarithmic property that states log10^a = b is equivalent to a = 10^b.

First, let's express 8 as a power of 2, since we have an approximation for log10^2. We can write 8 as 2^3.

Using the logarithmic property, we can rewrite log10^8 as 3 * log10^2.

Based on the given approximation log10^2 = 0.301, we can substitute it into the equation:

log10^8 = 3 * 0.301

Now, we can multiply:

log10^8 = 0.903