Can you check

2x + 3 (x-2) -3 (x-6)
I got
2x+3x-6 -3x+18
2x+3x-3x= 2x
-6+18 =12
Final answer : 2x+ 12


Thank you

To solve the expression 2x + 3 (x-2) -3 (x-6), you need to distribute the terms inside the parentheses and then combine like terms.

First, distribute the 3 to each term inside the first set of parentheses:
3(x-2) = 3x - 6

Similarly, distribute the -3 to each term inside the second set of parentheses:
-3(x-6) = -3x + 18

Now, let's substitute these results back into the original expression:
2x + 3x - 6 - 3x + 18

Next, combine the like terms. Starting with the x terms:
2x + 3x - 3x = 2x

Now, combine the constants:
-6 + 18 = 12

Finally, put the simplified terms together:
2x + 12

Therefore, the final answer is 2x + 12.