BD perpendicular AC
The sum fo the three angles in any triangle is 180 degree.

Prove: m�ÚCBD = 1/2 m�ÚBAC

angle ABC ~= �angle ACB

BD perpendicular AC
The sum fo the three angles in any triangle is 180 degree.

Prove: m�angle CBD = 1/2 m�angle BAC

let angle CBD = a

in trianagle ABC:
2x + y = 180

in triangle BCD
a + x = 90 or 2a + 2x = 180

then 2a + 2x = 2x + y , both equal to 180
2a = y
a = (1/2y
angle CBD = (1/2) angle BAC

To prove that m�ÚCBD = 1/2 m�ÚBAC, we need to use the given information and the properties of triangles.

First, we know that ABC ~= ACB, which means that triangle ABC is similar to triangle ACB. This implies that the corresponding angles in these triangles are equal.

Using this information, we can say that m�ÚABC = m�ÚACB. Let's call this angle x.

Now consider triangle ABC. We are given that BD is perpendicular to AC. This means that angle BDC is a right angle, which measures 90 degrees.

We also know that the sum of the three angles in any triangle is 180 degrees. So, in triangle BDC, we have:

m�ÚBDC + m�ÚCBD + m�ÚCDB = 180 degrees

Since angle BDC is a right angle (90 degrees), we can substitute this in and simplify:

90 + m�ÚCBD + m�ÚCDB = 180 degrees

Subtracting 90 from both sides:

m�ÚCBD + m�ÚCDB = 90 degrees

Now, let's go back to triangle ABC. Since m�ÚABC = m�ÚACB = x, we can replace these angles in triangle BDC:

x + m�ÚCBD + m�ÚCDB = 90 degrees

We want to prove that m�ÚCBD = 1/2 m�ÚBAC, so let's see how angle BAC relates to these angles.

In triangle ABC, we have:

m�ÚABC + m�ÚBAC + m�ÚACB = 180 degrees

Substituting x for m�ÚABC and m�ÚACB:

x + m�ÚBAC + x = 180 degrees


2x + m�ÚBAC = 180 degrees

Subtracting 2x from both sides:

m�ÚBAC = 180 degrees - 2x

Now back to our equation from triangle BDC:

x + m�ÚCBD + m�ÚCDB = 90 degrees

Since m�ÚCDB is equal to m�ÚBAC (as they are corresponding angles in similar triangles), we can substitute m�ÚBAC into the equation:

x + m�ÚCBD + m�ÚBAC = 90 degrees

Subtracting x from both sides:

m�ÚCBD + m�ÚBAC = 90 degrees - x

Comparing this to our earlier equation for m�ÚBAC:

m�ÚBAC = 180 degrees - 2x

We can substitute this in:

m�ÚCBD + (180 degrees - 2x) = 90 degrees - x


m�ÚCBD - 2x = -90 degrees - x

Combining like terms:

m�ÚCBD = -90 degrees - x + 2x

Simplifying further:

m�ÚCBD = -90 degrees + x

Now remember that we are trying to prove that m�ÚCBD = 1/2 m�ÚBAC. We can substitute the expression for m�ÚBAC we found earlier:

m�ÚCBD = -90 degrees + (180 degrees - 2x)


m�ÚCBD = -90 degrees + 180 degrees - 2x

Combining like terms:

m�ÚCBD = 90 degrees - 2x

Finally, we want to show that m�ÚCBD = 1/2 m�ÚBAC. Let's substitute the expression for m�ÚBAC one more time:

m�ÚCBD = 90 degrees - 2x

m�ÚCBD = 90 degrees - 2(180 degrees - 2x)


m�ÚCBD = 90 degrees - 360 degrees + 4x

Combining like terms:

m�ÚCBD = 4x - 270 degrees

Now let's compare this to 1/2 m�ÚBAC:

1/2 m�ÚBAC = 1/2 (180 degrees - 2x)


1/2 m�ÚBAC = 90 degrees - x

As we can see, m�ÚCBD = 4x - 270 degrees and 1/2 m�ÚBAC = 90 degrees - x are equal. Hence, we have proved that m�ÚCBD = 1/2 m�ÚBAC.