Triangle with vertices:


Show that the right bisectors of the sides of triangleDEF all intersect at point C(-4,4), the circumcentre of the triangle.

-I found the midpoint of DF then the slope of the midpoint and point E, then found y intercept of new point (midpoint I labelled A) I then subbed point C into the equation of the line found. But it doesn't seem to be equally each other as they!

Problem #1 is that you are not finding the right-bisector, but rather the medians

I will describe the steps to find your first right-bisector
1. the midpoint of DF is A(-3, 9)
2. slope of DF = 6/-30 = - 1/5
3. So the slope of the right-bisector of DF is +5
4. equation of right-bisector is
y = 5x + b , but A(-3,9) lies on it, so
9 = 5(-3) + b
b = 24
right-bisector of DF is y = 5x + 24

repeat those steps for one of the other sides

solve those two equations, you should get (-4,4)

Find the equation of the third side, using the above steps
Sub in (-4,4) to see if it satisfies the third equation, it should !!


To show that the right bisectors of the sides of triangle DEF intersect at the circumcentre C(-4,4), you need to find the equations of all three right bisectors and then verify if they intersect at the given point.

Let's go through the steps for each right bisector:

1. Right bisector of DE:
- Find the midpoint of DE:
Midpoint(A) = ((-18 + -6) / 2, (12 + -12) / 2) = (-12, 0)

- Find the slope of DE:
Slope(DE) = (12 - (-12)) / (-18 - (-6)) = 24 / -12 = -2

- The negative reciprocal of the slope of DE will give the slope of the right bisector:
Slope(right bisector of DE) = 1 / 2

- Now, we have the slope and the midpoint (A) of DE. Use the point-slope form of a line to find the equation of the right bisector of DE:
y - y1 = m(x - x1)
y - 0 = (1 / 2)(x - (-12))
y = (1 / 2)x + 6

2. Right bisector of EF:
- Find the midpoint of EF:
Midpoint(B) = ((-6 + 12) / 2, (-12 + 6) / 2) = (3, -3)

- Find the slope of EF:
Slope(EF) = (6 - (-12)) / (12 - (-6)) = 18 / 18 = 1

- The negative reciprocal of the slope of EF will give the slope of the right bisector:
Slope(right bisector of EF) = -1

- Now, we have the slope and the midpoint (B) of EF. Use the point-slope form of a line to find the equation of the right bisector of EF:
y - y1 = m(x - x1)
y - (-3) = (-1)(x - 3)
y = -x - 6

3. Right bisector of FD:
- Find the midpoint of FD:
Midpoint(C) = ((-18 + 12) / 2, (12 + 6) / 2) = (-3, 9)

- Find the slope of FD:
Slope(FD) = (6 - 12) / (12 - (-18)) = -6 / 30 = -1 / 5

- The negative reciprocal of the slope of FD will give the slope of the right bisector:
Slope(right bisector of FD) = 5

- Now, we have the slope and the midpoint (C) of FD. Use the point-slope form of a line to find the equation of the right bisector of FD:
y - y1 = m(x - x1)
y - 9 = 5(x - (-3))
y = 5x - 6

Now, substitute the coordinates of the circumcentre C(-4,4) into each of the equations of the right bisectors (y = (1 / 2)x + 6, y = -x - 6, and y = 5x - 6) to verify if they intersect at C(-4,4). If the coordinates of C satisfy all three equations, then it is the circumcentre.

Let's substitute C into each equation:
For the equation y = (1 / 2)x + 6:
4 = (1 / 2)(-4) + 6
4 = -2 + 6
4 = 4 (satisfied)

For the equation y = -x - 6:
4 = -(-4) - 6
4 = 4 (satisfied)

For the equation y = 5x - 6:
4 = 5(-4) - 6
4 = -20 - 6
4 = -26 (not satisfied)

Since the coordinates of C(-4,4) satisfy the equations of the first two right bisectors but not the third, it suggests that there might be an error in the calculations. Please double-check your work or the given coordinates of the circumcentre C.