How do you find the three ordered pairs that satisfy this equation Y = 3x - 4.

How do you graph the line Y = 5x - 4.
How do you graph X = 3.

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The Table of ordered pairs are true for the equation





To find the three ordered pairs that satisfy the equation Y = 3x - 4,

we can substitute different values for x and calculate the corresponding values of y.

1. Choose a value for x: Let's take x = 0.
Substitute x = 0 into the equation Y = 3x - 4:
Y = 3*0 - 4
Y = -4
So, one ordered pair is (0, -4).

2. Choose another value for x: Let's take x = 1.
Substitute x = 1 into the equation Y = 3x - 4:
Y = 3*1 - 4
Y = 3 - 4
Y = -1
So, another ordered pair is (1, -1).

3. Choose a third value for x: Let's take x = -1.
Substitute x = -1 into the equation Y = 3x - 4:
Y = 3*-1 - 4
Y = -3 - 4
Y = -7
So, the third ordered pair is (-1, -7).

Therefore, the three ordered pairs that satisfy the equation Y = 3x - 4 are (0, -4), (1, -1), and (-1, -7).

To graph the line Y = 5x - 4, you can plot several points on the graph and then connect them.

1. Choose a value for x: Let's take x = 0.
Substitute x = 0 into the equation Y = 5x - 4:
Y = 5*0 - 4
Y = 0 - 4
Y = -4
So, one point is (0, -4).

2. Choose another value for x: Let's take x = 1.
Substitute x = 1 into the equation Y = 5x - 4:
Y = 5*1 - 4
Y = 5 - 4
Y = 1
So, another point is (1, 1).

3. Choose a third value for x: Let's take x = -1.
Substitute x = -1 into the equation Y = 5x - 4:
Y = 5*(-1) - 4
Y = -5 - 4
Y = -9
So, the third point is (-1, -9).

Now you can plot these three points (0, -4), (1, 1), and (-1, -9) on a graph, and then draw a straight line passing through them. This line represents the graph of Y = 5x - 4.

To graph the equation X = 3, consider that this equation represents a vertical line passing through the x-coordinate 3.

Draw a vertical line on the graph at x = 3. This line would intersect the y-axis at all points, so it extends infinitely in both the positive and negative y-directions. This is because the x-coordinate is a constant, so the value of x doesn't change along the line. Therefore, for any y-value, x would always be equal to 3.

So, to graph the equation X = 3, draw a vertical line passing through x = 3 on the graph.

Solve x^2+7x-8

1. Y = 3x - 4.

Let x = -2, 0, 2. Calculate y for each.
Y = 3*-2 - 4 = -10.
Y = 3*0 - 4 = -4.
Y = 3*2 - 4 = 2.
Ordered Pairs: (-2,-10), (0,-4), (2,2).

2. Y = 5x - 4.
Y = 5*0 - 4 = -4.
Y = 5*2 - 4 = 6.
Y = 5*3 - 4 = 11.
Graph: (0,-4), (2,6), (3,11).

3. X = 3. This is a ver. line where x
equals 3 for all values of Y.

Graph: (3,-3), (3,0), (3,3). The line
is 3 units to the rt. of the y-axis.