name two numbers with decimal hundredth that round to the same whole number but different tenths.

Mia don't be so rude to Marco he is asking something

To find two numbers with decimal hundredth that round to the same whole number but different tenths, we need to choose two numbers whose decimal hundredth digits are different but the same whole number when rounded.

For example, let's consider the number 3.145 and 3.146.

When we round 3.145 to the nearest whole number, it becomes 3 because the decimal hundredth digit, which is 4, is less than 5.

Similarly, when we round 3.146 to the nearest whole number, it also becomes 3 because the decimal hundredth digit, which is 5, is equal to or greater than 5.

So, in both cases, the whole number is 3. However, the tenths digit is different - for 3.145 it is 1, and for 3.146 it is 2.

Therefore, 3.145 and 3.146 are two numbers with different tenths but round to the same whole number.

Shut up 🙄