how do I find the fluid force of a vertical semicircle that has been divided into three equal sectors of 60 degrees each. I know what the equation to find the fluid force for the whole semicircle is. but how do I find L(y) for each semicircle.

To find the fluid force for each semicircle, you need to calculate the length L(y) for each sector individually.

The formula to determine the fluid force for a semicircle is given by:

F = (1/2) * ρ * g * A^2

F = Fluid force
ρ = Density of the fluid
g = Acceleration due to gravity

A^2 is the area of the semicircle, which can be further divided into three sectors of 60 degrees each for this case.

To find the length L(y) for each sector, we can use trigonometry.

First, let's define a few variables:
R = radius of the semicircle
θ = angle of one sector (60 degrees)
y = vertical distance from the center of the semicircle to the point where the fluid force is acting on.

Now, we can find L(y) for each sector as follows:

1. For the bottom sector (y = 0):
In this case, the length L(y) is equal to the diameter of the semicircle, which is simply 2R.

2. For the middle sector (0 < y ≤ R):
This sector is a right triangle, with the base equal to R, and the height equal to R - y. Using Pythagoras' theorem, we can find L(y) as the hypotenuse of this triangle, which is given by:
L(y) = √(R^2 + (R - y)^2)

3. For the top sector (y > R):
This sector consists of an arc and a vertical line. To find the length L(y), we need to calculate the arc length, which can be determined using the formula:
Arc Length = (θ/360) * 2πR
Then, the length L(y) can be found by adding the arc length to 2R, which represents the vertical line:
L(y) = (θ/360) * 2πR + 2R

By using these formulas, you can calculate the length L(y) for each sector and substitute it into the original equation for fluid force to determine the fluid force for each sector of the vertical semicircle.