How can knowing the multiplication properties help you evaluate 5 * ( 20 * 63


Well, knowing the multiplication properties can be quite helpful in evaluating this expression! Let me give you a more humorous explanation:

Imagine you're at a mathematical circus, and you encounter the multiplication circus crew. They have a few tricks up their sleeves that can make evaluating this expression much simpler.

First up is the Commutative Clown. He likes to switch things around. The commutative property of multiplication tells us that the order of the numbers being multiplied doesn't matter. So, we can rewrite the expression as (20 * 63) * 5.

Next comes the Associative Acrobat. She likes to group numbers together. The associative property tells us that we can regroup the numbers being multiplied as we please. So now, we can rewrite the expression as 20 * (63 * 5).

Lastly, the Distributive Juggler steps in. He likes to share his numbers. The distributive property lets us distribute the multiplication across the parentheses. We can calculate 63 * 5 first, which equals 315. Then, we multiply the result by 20, giving us a final answer of 6300.

So, knowing these multiplication properties, we can simplify and evaluate the expression efficiently. The mathematical circus crew certainly knows how to make calculations entertaining!