kara needs 35 for an aquarium for 6 fish. how can she pay with the least ten and one dollar bills?

3 tens

5 ones


To determine the least number of ten and one dollar bills that Kara can use to pay for the aquarium, we can follow these steps:

1. Start by finding the total cost of the aquarium. In this case, it is given as $35.

2. Next, determine the maximum number of tens (i.e., $10 bills) that can be used. To do this, divide the total cost by 10 and take the whole number. In this case, 35 ÷ 10 = 3, so we can use a maximum of 3 ten-dollar bills.

3. Subtract the value of the tens from the total cost. In this case, 35 - (3 × 10) = 35 - 30 = 5.

4. Now, check if the remaining amount can be divided evenly by 1 (i.e., one-dollar bills). In this case, we have $5 remaining.

5. Since $5 can be divided evenly by 1, we can use 5 one-dollar bills.

Therefore, Kara can pay with 3 ten-dollar bills and 5 one-dollar bills to cover the cost of the aquarium for 6 fish, using the least number of bills.