what is the chemical name and lewis structure of NO3 -2

The chemical name of NO3^-2 is nitrate ion. The Lewis structure represents the arrangement of the atoms in a molecule or ion and the distribution of electrons among them. To determine the Lewis structure of NO3^-2, we need to know the number of valence electrons for each element in the molecule.

NO3^-2 consists of one nitrogen (N) atom and three oxygen (O) atoms. Nitrogen is in Group 5A of the periodic table, so it has 5 valence electrons. Since there is one nitrogen atom in NO3^-2, we have 5 valence electrons for nitrogen.

Each oxygen atom is in Group 6A, so it has 6 valence electrons. Since there are three oxygen atoms in NO3^-2, we have 3 * 6 = 18 valence electrons for oxygen.

To find the total number of valence electrons for the nitrate ion, we sum up the valence electrons from each atom: 5 (nitrogen) + 18 (oxygen) + 2 (negative charge of the ion) = 25 valence electrons.

Now we can start placing the electrons in the Lewis structure. We first connect the atoms with single bonds, which in this case means nitrogen forms a single bond with each oxygen atom. Each single bond consists of two electrons, so we have used 6 electrons (3 bonds * 2 electrons).

Next, we distribute the remaining 19 electrons around the atoms, starting with the oxygen atoms, which try to fill their octets. We place 6 electrons (3 lone pairs) around each oxygen atom, which accounts for 18 electrons (3 oxygen atoms * 6 electrons).

Finally, we distribute the remaining 1 electron to nitrogen, which already has its octet filled.

The resulting Lewis structure for NO3^-2 is:

O = N = O

The negative charge is located on the oxygen atom, indicating that the nitrate ion has a total charge of -2.

nitrate. We can't draw structures on this forum. Here is a link
