Please solve this word problem,

It will take at least 360 points for Kiko"s team to win the math contest. The scores are 94,82, and 87, but one of Kiko's teammates lost 2 of those points for an incomplete answer. How many points must Kiko earn for her team to win the contest?

points to be earned --- x

94 + 82 + 87 - 2 + x ≥ 360

x ≥ ......

To solve this problem, we need to calculate the total number of points Kiko's team currently has, subtract the points that were lost, and then find out how many more points they need to reach the minimum required of 360.

Step 1: Find the total points of Kiko's team before the points were lost.
The initial scores are 94, 82, and 87.
Total points before the loss = 94 + 82 + 87 = 263

Step 2: Find the total points of Kiko's team after 2 points were lost.
Total points after the loss = 263 - 2 = 261

Step 3: Find the number of additional points needed for Kiko's team to win.
Additional points needed = 360 - 261 = 99

Therefore, Kiko's team needs to earn 99 more points to win the math contest.

To solve this word problem, we need to calculate the total points Kiko's team currently has and subtract it from the minimum required points. We are given that the current scores are 94, 82, and 87, but one of Kiko's teammates lost 2 points. Let's calculate the total points currently earned by Kiko's team.

The total score before any deductions is 94 + 82 + 87 = 263.

Since one teammate lost 2 points, we subtract 2 from the total: 263 - 2 = 261.

Now we subtract the total points earned from the minimum required points: 360 - 261 = 99.

Therefore, Kiko must earn 99 points for her team to win the contest.