
What does smart snacking mean? (1 point)

Eat while you are studying
Eat what your brain tells you to eat
Eat nutrient dense foods
Read a cookbook

What is NOT a way to keep foods safe? (1 point)

If it looks and smells okay, it is safe to eat
Wash hands with warm soapy water
Use two cutting boards, one for meat and one for fresh foods
Thaw foods in the refrigerator

Where does digestion begin? (1 point)

At a restaurant
In the mouth
In the kitchen
At home

What is not part of the excretory system? (1 point)


Which part of the body does digested food go through first? (1 point)

the small intenstines
the large intestines
the pancreas
the colon

1. nutrient dense
2. If it looks and smells okay, it is safe to eat
3. at the mouth
4. urethra
5. the small intestine

1. eat nutrient dense food

2. a
3. b
4. d (pee goes through the urethra
5. a


To find the answers to these questions:

1. What does smart snacking mean? (1 point)

To determine the answer, you can read about the concept of smart snacking. Smart snacking refers to consuming nutrient-dense foods. This could involve eating foods that are high in beneficial nutrients, like vitamins and minerals, to support brain function and overall health.

2. What is NOT a way to keep foods safe? (1 point)

To answer this question, you must consider safe food practices. One option stands out as incorrect: "If it looks and smells okay, it is safe to eat." You can eliminate this option because visual appearance and smell alone are not reliable indicators of food safety. To keep food safe, proper food handling techniques such as washing hands with warm soapy water, using separate cutting boards for different types of foods, and thawing foods in the refrigerator are recommended.

3. Where does digestion begin? (1 point)

To determine where digestion begins, you can recall your knowledge of the digestive system or consult reputable sources. From this information, you will find that digestion starts in the mouth. The process begins when you chew food, which mechanically breaks it down and mixes it with saliva containing enzymes that start the chemical breakdown.

4. What is not part of the excretory system? (1 point)

To answer this question, you need to understand the components of the excretory system. The correct answer can be found by identifying one option that is not part of the system. In this case, the appendix does not play a role in the excretory system. It is a small pouch of tissue attached to the large intestine.

5. Which part of the body does digested food go through first? (1 point)

To answer this question, you need to understand the order of the digestive system. Digested food first goes into the small intestine. This is where most of the absorption of nutrients occurs. The large intestine, pancreas, and colon come after the small intestine in the digestive process.