-1/2m > -7

-1/2m > -7

m > -7 / (-1/2)

m > -7 * -2

m > 14


-1/2 m > -7
m < -7 / (-1/2)
m < 14

multiplying/dividing by a negative number changes the direction of the inequality

check: -1/2 (10) = -5 > -7

To solve the inequality -1/2m > -7, you can start by multiplying both sides of the inequality by -2. However, keep in mind that when multiplying or dividing an inequality by a negative number, it's necessary to reverse the direction of the inequality sign. Here are the steps:

1. Start with the given inequality: -1/2m > -7.
2. Multiply both sides by -2, but remember to reverse the inequality sign: (-2)(-1/2m) < (-2)(-7).
After multiplication: m < 14.

Therefore, the solution to the inequality -1/2m > -7 is m < 14.