which will make you wealthy one mole of pennies (6.02e23 pennies) or one mole of Au atoms(6.02e23 atoms)?

Surely you have an opinion (and no guessing). Gold is worth how much per atom.

one mole of Au atoms would be equal to 196.967 grams of gold witch is equal to 1354.40 US dollars wile one mole of pennies is equal to 602200000000000000000000 pennies or 602 Quintillion 200 Quadrillion dollars so for your answer definetle one mole of pennies per atom gold is worth 0.0000000000000000000000000000000050983748169996042154806536776305 dollars

To determine which would make you wealthier - one mole of pennies (6.02e23 pennies) or one mole of gold (Au) atoms (6.02e23 atoms), you need to consider their respective values.

The value of a mole of pennies depends on the denomination of the pennies. Let's assume they are one cent pennies (most common). One cent is equal to $0.01. Therefore, one mole of pennies would be worth:

Value of one mole of pennies = (6.02e23 pennies) * ($0.01/penny)

Next, let's consider one mole of gold (Au) atoms. Gold is a precious metal with a high market value. The current market price of gold fluctuates daily. Let's assume the market price for gold is $50 per gram. One mole of gold atoms would be equivalent to the atomic weight of gold in grams, which is approximately 197 grams (or 0.197 kg).

Value of one mole of gold atoms = (6.02e23 atoms) * (0.197 kg/atom) * ($50/kg)

Now, by comparing the value of one mole of pennies and one mole of gold atoms, you can determine which would make you wealthier.

Keep in mind that the actual market prices of gold and the denominations of pennies may vary, so be sure to check current prices for accurate calculations.