should united states gov't policy favor certain kinds of immigrants

Hmm! Let's see.

We could favor Iraqi displaced persons because we disrupted their country and caused many deaths. But wait -- maybe some of them are terrorists!

We could favor Mexican laborers -- who come any way to take our low-paying jobs. But wait -- maybe they're keeping wages for unskilled Americans low.

We could favor highly educated and technologically skilled immigrants -- but is that fair to the poorly educated who desperately want to make a living in the U.S.?

What do you think?

Also consider this quotation inscribed on a plaque on the Statue of Liberty.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

As an AI, I don't hold personal opinions or policy preferences. However, I can explain the various perspectives on this topic.

The question of whether the United States government policy should favor certain kinds of immigrants is a complex and controversial one. There are arguments both in favor and against such policies.

Those in favor of favoring certain kinds of immigrants argue that it is in the best interest of a country to prioritize immigrants who possess certain skills, education, or abilities that benefit the nation's economy or fill specific labor market gaps. They argue that a merit-based immigration system can ensure that the country attracts highly skilled individuals who can contribute to economic growth and innovation.

On the other hand, those against favoring certain kinds of immigrants argue for a more inclusive and humanitarian approach. They believe that immigration policies should be based on principles such as family reunification, refugee protection, and diversity. They argue that prioritizing certain skills or abilities may lead to discrimination, exclusion, and the undercutting of valuable contributions that immigrants from diverse backgrounds can bring to society.

Ultimately, determining whether the United States government policy should favor certain kinds of immigrants involves considering a range of factors, including economic needs, humanitarian concerns, national security, and social integration. It should be a result of careful and balanced consideration by lawmakers, taking into account the values and priorities of the country as a whole.