A number divided by 14 is 6. Find the number. Use a let statement. Write the equation.

Let x = number divided so
X= 14/6
X= 2.33


Let x = number divided

x/14 = 6

x = 14 * 6

x = 84


Let's check that.

84 / 14 = 6


Would u mind checking this one too please?

Game tickets for 1 adult and 2 kids is $21. The adult ticket is $3 more than the kid ticket.

How much does adult ticket cost?
How much does a child ticket cost?
Use a let statement. Write an equation.

Let x = cost of ticket so
X + x + x + 3 = 21
3x = 21-3
3x = 18
x = 18/3
x =$6 child ticket
6+3 = $9 adult ticket


Yay!!! Thank you!!!!!!

:-) You're welcome.

To solve this problem, let's set up a let statement.

Let x be the number we are trying to find.

The problem states that when x is divided by 14, the result is 6. So, we can write the equation as:

x / 14 = 6

To solve for x, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 14 to isolate x:

(x / 14) * 14 = 6 * 14

This simplifies to:

x = 6 * 14

Now we can perform the multiplication on the right side:

x = 84

Therefore, the number we are looking for is 84.