_______ pioneered the field of corporate public relations.

A. Henry Ford
B. Ivy. L. Lee
C. Samuel Gompers
D. Margaret Robins


To identify who pioneered the field of corporate public relations among the given options, we can research each person listed and their contributions to the field. Here's a breakdown:

A. Henry Ford: While Henry Ford was a business tycoon known for revolutionizing the automobile industry, he did not have a significant impact on the development of corporate public relations.

B. Ivy L. Lee: Ivy Ledbetter Lee was a pioneer in the field of corporate public relations. He is often referred to as the "father of modern PR." Lee introduced the concept of transparent and ethical communication between companies and the public. He advised companies on how to handle crises, communicate with the press, and maintain a positive public image.

C. Samuel Gompers: Samuel Gompers was a labor union leader and an advocate for workers' rights. While he played a significant role in the labor movement, he did not pioneer the field of corporate public relations.

D. Margaret Robins: Margaret Robins was a prominent figure in the women's labor movement and a suffragette. Although she fought for workers' rights and women's equality, she did not have a direct impact on the field of corporate public relations.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Ivy L. Lee, as he is considered a pioneer in the field of corporate public relations.