This patient is alert, conscious, cooperative, in no acute distress, stable, and oriented times 3.

A) complete sentence
B) fragment
C) run-on
I want to say A but think it is C

It looks like a complete sentence.

complete sentence

To determine whether the given statement is a complete sentence, a fragment, or a run-on, we need to understand the characteristics of each option.

A complete sentence consists of a subject (a noun or pronoun) and a predicate (a verb), and it expresses a complete thought. It usually ends with a punctuation mark.

A fragment is an incomplete thought that lacks either a subject or a predicate. It does not express a complete idea.

A run-on sentence occurs when two independent clauses (complete thoughts) are joined without appropriate punctuation or a coordinating conjunction.

Now, let's analyze the given statement: "This patient is alert, conscious, cooperative, in no acute distress, stable, and oriented times 3."

This statement does not have a subject, and it lacks a verb or predicate. It is not expressing a complete thought, so it is a fragment. Therefore, the correct answer is B) fragment.