please help revise

In the research analysis paper I will write about black women and their oppression. I will focus on how black women have overcome oppression and look at women in power such as Oprah, Condalisa Rice, and other.
The body of the paper will work to prove my thesis and support my thesis with several developed paragraphs using quotes from “The Combahee River Collective”. I will use their argument that “sexism and racism are interlocked”. I will refer to pop culture, which primarily involves black men such as the rap music industry and how it continues to be extremely sexist and portrays fundamental ideas and assumptions that help to create every day understanding of black women, thereby, contribute to the oppression of black women.

That is a good idea. Make sure you state the thesis in the last sentence of your first paragraph. Your first paragraph should be the introductory part. Also, when using quotes, using the proper citation format, both in your essay and if you do a work cited page as well. The argument of sexism and racism being interlocked is good, and so is the statement about pop culture, although I wouldn't classify that as pop culture, more hip-hop if your focusing primarily on rappers. This sounds like a really good essay. Good luck finishing it! :)

I would be curious how you define and develop the "interlocking". Personally, I think both are rooted in ethnocentristic, or egomanic, thinking which is the fare of bigots. I am not so certain it is restriced just to particular genders, or races.

Of course, you could fall prey to relying on psychobabble in your analysis, so don't do that.

Have fun writing and thinking during the paper.

In the research analysis paper, I will explore the topic of oppression faced by black women. Specifically, I will focus on how black women have overcome this oppression and examine the experiences of powerful women such as Oprah, Condoleezza Rice, and others. To effectively prove my thesis and support it with evidence, I will structure the body of the paper into several developed paragraphs.

To start, I will incorporate quotes from "The Combahee River Collective" to strengthen my argument. This influential document states that sexism and racism are interconnected, which provides a strong foundation for discussing the oppression faced by black women. By using quotes from this source, I can support my thesis with credible and authoritative voices.

Additionally, I will make references to pop culture to further illustrate the experiences of black women. One aspect of pop culture that I will examine is the rap music industry, which predominantly focuses on black men. I will highlight how this industry tends to perpetuate sexism and portrays fundamental ideas and stereotypes that contribute to the everyday understanding of black women. Exploring this aspect will allow me to demonstrate how these cultural influences can contribute to the ongoing oppression of black women.

Overall, by structuring the paper with developed paragraphs that contain supporting evidence, such as quotes from "The Combahee River Collective" and references to pop culture, I will effectively prove my thesis and shed light on the experiences of black women and their journey to overcome oppression.