She is a pleasant 18-year-old female who states that she was at a pub where she was eating and actually fell while holding a tray and rolled her ankle.

A) complete sentence
B) fragment
C) run-on
Seems to me to be a run-on because of all the ands..

It's a terrible sentence -- but it is a complete sentence. Technically it is not a run-on.

see that is what I thought!! But it was tricky for sure! Thanks

To determine whether the given statement is a complete sentence, fragment, or run-on, we need to assess its structure and punctuation.

Upon examination, the statement provided consists of multiple clauses joined by coordinating conjunctions, specifically "and." A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses are not properly separated or connected. In this case, the frequent use of "and" may lead one to think it is a run-on sentence.

However, it is crucial to consider the information provided. The statement lacks appropriate punctuation to indicate separate independent clauses or the absence thereof. Without commas, semicolons, or other appropriate punctuation marks, it is difficult to determine if the clauses are independent or dependent. Therefore, we cannot definitively classify this statement as a run-on sentence based solely on the use of "and."

To make a conclusive judgment, it is important to obtain further information regarding the punctuation and structure of the original text.