appropriate social skills in young children:A.are aquired over time. b.are easily taught. c.cannot be taught. or c.arenot influenced by a childs temerament.

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my answer was a.


The appropriate social skills in young children are acquired over time and are influenced by a child's temperament. Option A is the correct answer.

A) Social skills in young children are acquired over time: It is important to understand that social skills develop gradually as children grow and have more interactions with others. Young children learn from observing their surroundings, imitating behaviors of parents, caregivers, and peers, and through trial and error in social situations. These skills develop and become more refined as children navigate various social contexts.

B) Social skills are easily taught: While certain aspects of social skills can be explicitly taught such as sharing, taking turns, and showing empathy, it is important to note that teaching social skills to young children requires patience, repetition, and reinforcement. These skills are best learned through experiential learning and guided practice in real-life situations.

C) Social skills cannot be taught: This statement is incorrect as social skills can indeed be taught and nurtured. Adults play a critical role in modeling positive social behaviors, providing guidance, and creating opportunities for children to practice and develop their social skills.

D) Social skills are not influenced by a child's temperament: This statement is incorrect as a child's temperament, which refers to their natural disposition and behavioral tendencies, can have an impact on the development of social skills. Each child has a unique temperament that can influence how they respond to social situations, interact with others, and regulate their emotions. Understanding and adapting to a child's temperament can help in fostering appropriate social skills.