How much does Jane pay for 1.75 kg of apples at $0.48 per 100 grams?.

1 kg = 1,000 g

Set up a proportion.

x/1750 = 0.48/100

100x = 840

x = $8.40

To find out how much Jane pays for 1.75 kg of apples, we need to convert the weight to grams and then calculate the cost.

Step 1: Convert kg to grams.
1 kg = 1000 grams
1.75 kg = 1.75 * 1000 grams = 1750 grams

Step 2: Calculate the cost.
The price per 100 grams is $0.48.
So, the cost per gram is $0.48 / 100 = $0.0048

Multiplying the cost per gram by the total grams gives us the total cost:
Total cost = $0.0048 * 1750 grams = $8.40

Therefore, Jane pays $8.40 for 1.75 kg of apples at $0.48 per 100 grams.