sorry, having a brain malfunction but which is a function:

"x is a student y"
"x is the biological daughter of mother y"

In the context of logic and programming, a function is a way to describe a relationship between two or more things, where each input value (or argument) has a unique output value.

Let's analyze the two statements you provided and determine if they can be considered functions:

1. "x is a student y"
This statement describes a relationship where x is a student y. If we consider x as the name of a student and y as the name of a school, this statement could be a function if there is only one student with the name x and that student belongs to only one school with the name y. So, this statement can be seen as a function if the student-teacher relationship is one-to-one.

2. "x is the biological daughter of mother y"
This statement describes a relationship where x is the biological daughter of mother y. In this case, x and y represent names of individuals. This statement can also be seen as a function if we assume that each individual (x) has a unique biological mother (y). However, it is important to note that this statement does not cover other types of parent-child relationships such as adoption or guardianship.

To determine if a relationship can be considered a function, we need to ensure that for each input (x), there is exactly one output (y).