what property of addition is shown in the following number sentence? 7+(3+5)=(7+3)+5


The property of addition shown in the number sentence is the Associative Property.

The property of addition that is shown in the number sentence is the associative property.

To understand this property, let's break down the number sentence:

7 + (3 + 5) = (7 + 3) + 5

The associative property states that when adding three or more numbers, the grouping of the numbers can be changed without changing the sum. In other words, it allows us to regroup the numbers being added.

In this case, we have three numbers being added: 7, 3, and 5.

On the left side of the equation, we group the numbers (3 + 5) first, and then add it to 7.

On the right side of the equation, we group the numbers (7 + 3) first, and then add it to 5.

By using the associative property, we can rearrange the grouping of the numbers without altering the sum. This means that both sides of the equation are equal, showing the application of the associative property of addition.