If I takeB achelor in Science How many years it will take and what field it relates to?

Bachelor's degrees usually take 4 to 5 years to complete.

You'll probably need to decide which field of science -- geology, physics, engineering, chemistry, biology, physiology, etc. to specialize in.

To determine how many years it will take to complete a Bachelor of Science degree and the specific field it relates to, you will need to consider the context of your education system. However, I can provide a general overview that may apply to many educational systems.

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) degrees typically take three to four years to complete, depending on the country and the university you attend. It's important to note that some universities may offer accelerated programs, allowing students to finish their degree in a shorter period of time. On the other hand, part-time or distance learning options may take longer.

Now, to determine the specific field a Bachelor of Science degree relates to, it generally encompasses a wide range of scientific disciplines. Some common fields of study within a B.Sc program include physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, computer science, environmental science, psychology, neuroscience, geology, engineering, and many more.

Once you have a specific subfield in mind or university in consideration, it is recommended to refer to the respective university's program website or consult the academic advisor to get more accurate information regarding the duration and field of study for a Bachelor of Science degree.