Draw a flowchart for a program that

will accepts 30 intergers and print the number of positive and negatives numbers and the sum of the positive number

Sure! Here's a step-by-step flowchart for a program that accepts 30 integers, counts the number of positive and negative numbers, and calculates the sum of positive numbers:

1. Start

2. Initialize variables:
- countPositive = 0
- countNegative = 0
- sumPositive = 0
- num = 0
- i = 1 (loop counter)

3. Repeat the following steps 30 times:
- Ask the user to enter an integer (num)

4. If num is greater than 0, go to step 5. If not, go to step 7.

5. Increment countPositive by 1.
- Add num to sumPositive.

6. Go to step 8.

7. Increment countNegative by 1.

8. Increment i by 1.

9. If i is less than or equal to 30, go to step 3. If not, go to step 10.

10. Print the following:
- "Number of positive numbers: " + countPositive
- "Number of negative numbers: " + countNegative
- "Sum of positive numbers: " + sumPositive

11. End

Please note that this is a simplified example and does not include error handling or input validation.

To draw a flowchart for a program that accepts 30 integers and prints the number of positive and negative numbers, as well as the sum of the positive numbers, follow these steps:

1. Start the flowchart with a "Start" symbol.

2. Add a process symbol to define the variable "countPositive" and set it to 0. This variable will keep track of the number of positive numbers entered.

3. Add another process symbol to define the variable "countNegative" and set it to 0. This variable will keep track of the number of negative numbers entered.

4. Add another process symbol to define the variable "sumPositive" and set it to 0. This variable will store the sum of the positive numbers entered.

5. Add a decision symbol to check if 30 integers have been entered. Use a loop to repeat the following steps for each integer until 30 integers have been entered:

a. Accept an integer input.

b. Check if the input is positive or negative.

c. If positive, increment the "countPositive" variable by 1 and add the input value to the "sumPositive" variable.

d. If negative, increment the "countNegative" variable by 1.

6. Add a process symbol to display the values of "countPositive" and "countNegative".

7. Add a process symbol to display the value of "sumPositive".

8. Finally, add an "End" symbol to mark the end of the flowchart.

Below is an example of how the flowchart can be laid out using basic flowchart symbols:

|(define variables)
countPositive = 0
countNegative = 0
sumPositive = 0
| (loop for 30 integers)
if 30 integers entered?
| (No)
|--------> Accept Integer Input
|--------> Check Positive/Negative
|--------> If Positive:
|------------> Increment countPositive
|------------> Add value to sumPositive
|--------> If Negative:
|------------> Increment countNegative
| (Yes)
|--------> Display countPositive and countNegative
|--------> Display sumPositive

Please note that the flowchart above is a basic representation and can be modified based on any programming language or specific requirements.