Velocity/instantaneous velocity question?

In a demonstration a ball falls directly to the ground. Which of the following statements about this event is not correct? (Assume downward is the positive direction.)

a)The average velocity during the first half of the fall is greater than the average velocity during the entire experiment.
b)The magnitude of the displacement of the ball and the distance traveled by the ball are the same.
c)The magnitude of the average velocity and the average speed are equivalent when expermient begins.
d)The instantaneous speed of the ball increases as the fall continues.

a)The average velocity during the first half of the fall is greater than the average velocity during the entire experiment. - is not correct

To determine which statement is not correct, let's analyze each option:

a) The average velocity during the first half of the fall is greater than the average velocity during the entire experiment.
To calculate average velocity, you need to divide the total displacement by the total time. In this case, the ball is falling straight down, so its displacement is negative (since downward is considered the positive direction). Since the ball is only falling, the displacement remains constant throughout the experiment, and the average velocity will also be constant. Therefore, statement a) is not correct.

b) The magnitude of the displacement of the ball and the distance traveled by the ball are the same.
Displacement is a vector quantity that refers to the change in position from the initial point to the final point. Distance, on the other hand, is a scalar quantity that indicates the total path traveled regardless of direction. In this specific scenario, since the ball falls straight down, the magnitude of the displacement and the distance traveled are indeed the same. So statement b) is correct.

c) The magnitude of the average velocity and the average speed are equivalent when the experiment begins.
Average velocity is a vector quantity that considers both the magnitude (speed) and direction of an object's motion. Average speed, on the other hand, is a scalar quantity that merely refers to the distance traveled divided by the elapsed time, without considering direction. At the start of the experiment, the ball is only falling downward, so the magnitude of its average velocity and average speed would indeed be the same. Therefore, statement c) is correct.

d) The instantaneous speed of the ball increases as the fall continues.
The instantaneous speed refers to the magnitude of the velocity at a given moment. In this case, as the ball falls directly down, gravity causes it to accelerate continuously. Since it is accelerating downward, its speed will increase throughout the fall. Therefore, statement d) is correct.

Based on the analysis of all the statements, we can conclude that the incorrect statement is a) The average velocity during the first half of the fall is greater than the average velocity during the entire experiment.