Would someone please help me figure this one out?

(¡î5 b©ø/©÷)^4 a^9 / a^-©øb^5

Sure! Let's break down the expression step by step.

The expression you provided is:
(¡î5 b©ø/©÷)^4 a^9 / a^-©øb^5

Step 1: Simplify the numerator
We have (¡î5 b©ø/©÷)^4 a^9. To simplify this, we raise each part of the numerator to the power of 4. So, we get:
(¡î5^4 b4©ø/©÷^4) × a^9

Simplifying further, we have:
(625 b4©ø/©÷^4) × a^9

Step 2: Simplify the denominator
We have a^-©øb^5 in the denominator. Recall that a^-©ø is equivalent to 1 / a^©ø. So, we rewrite the expression as:
(625 b4©ø/©÷^4) × a^9 / (1 / a^©øb^5)

Simplifying further, we have:
(625 b4©ø/©÷^4) × a^9 × (a^©ø / b^5)

Step 3: Simplify the expression
We need to combine the like terms in the expression, which means multiplying and dividing the variables with the same base. Combining the terms, we get:
625 a^(9 + ©ø) b^(4 - 5) / ©÷^4

Since b^(4 - 5) is equal to 1 / b, we can simplify further:
625 a^(9 + ©ø) / (©÷^4 × b)

So, the final simplified expression is:
625 a^(9 + ©ø) / (©÷^4 × b)