1. Creates energy in the form of ATP

2. The gel-like liquid that fills the cell
3. Sorts, packages, and sends out proteins
4. Helps the chromosomes divide faster in animal cells only
5. Creates food energy from sunlight energy
6. Responsible for digestion
7. Forms the cell's skeleton
8. Controls what gets in and out of cells
9. Breaks down harmful toxins in the cell
10. Stores food and waste products in the plant cell only
11. Where proteins are made, also helps divide up the cell
12. Stores the DNA and controls the cell
13. Protects plant cells and maintains structure

Any help would be appreciatated greatly, since I'm currently studying for mid-terms.

The purpose of studying for midterms is for the student to go back over his/her notes and assigned reading.

I urge you to spend a couple of hours finding these answers. Then -- if you're still stumped on one or two of them, we may be able to help you.

Sure! I can help you with that. Here are the answers to each of the statements you provided, along with explanations:

1. Creates energy in the form of ATP: The cellular organelle responsible for creating energy in the form of ATP is called the mitochondria. To remember this, think of ATP as the energy currency of the cell, and mitochondria as the powerhouses that produce this energy.

2. The gel-like liquid that fills the cell: The gel-like liquid that fills the cell is known as the cytoplasm. It is composed of water, salts, and various organic molecules. The cytoplasm is responsible for housing and supporting the cell's organelles.

3. Sorts, packages, and sends out proteins: This role is performed by the Golgi apparatus or Golgi complex. It receives proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), modifies and sorts them, and then packages them into vesicles for transport to their final destinations within or outside the cell.

4. Helps the chromosomes divide faster in animal cells only: The centrioles are responsible for aiding in cell division, specifically in animal cells. They help in the formation of spindle fibers, which are involved in the separation of chromosomes during cell division.

5. Creates food energy from sunlight energy: The organelle responsible for converting sunlight energy into food energy is called the chloroplast. It is found in plant cells and contains a pigment called chlorophyll, which is essential for photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into glucose and oxygen.

6. Responsible for digestion: The organelle responsible for digestion is called the lysosome. Lysosomes contain enzymes that break down various biomolecules within the cell, including proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids.

7. Forms the cell's skeleton: The cytoskeleton is responsible for forming the cell's skeleton. It is composed of protein filaments known as microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments. The cytoskeleton provides structure, support, and shape to the cell.

8. Controls what gets in and out of cells: The cell membrane, also known as the plasma membrane, controls what substances can enter or leave the cell. It acts as a selective barrier, allowing certain molecules to pass through while preventing others from doing so.

9. Breaks down harmful toxins in the cell: Detoxification of harmful toxins primarily occurs in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The smooth ER contains enzymes responsible for breaking down toxins and converting them into less harmful substances.

10. Stores food and waste products in the plant cell only: The organelle responsible for storing food and waste products in plant cells is the vacuole. Plant cells typically have a large central vacuole that stores water, nutrients, pigments, and waste products.

11. Where proteins are made, also helps divide up the cell: Protein synthesis occurs in the ribosomes, which can be found either freely in the cytoplasm or attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Additionally, during cell division, the microtubule organizing center (MTOC), also known as the centrosome, helps in dividing the cell by forming the mitotic spindle.

12. Stores the DNA and controls the cell: The nucleus stores the DNA and controls the activities of the cell. It contains the genetic material in the form of chromosomes and is surrounded by a nuclear envelope that regulates the movement of substances between the nucleus and the rest of the cell.

13. Protects plant cells and maintains structure: The cell wall is responsible for protecting plant cells and maintaining their structure. It provides rigidity and strength to the cell, allowing plants to maintain their shape and resist external pressures.

I hope this helps with your mid-term preparation! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.