You have made a bet with a friend. You tell them that you can eat one mole of M&Ms in a year, if you eat one M&M every second for three hours a day, 7 days a week, for 365 days in that year. Can you win the bet? Calculate how many years it would really take to eat one mole of M&Ms.


= 6.02E23things* 1/(onething/sec)
= 6.02E23 sec*1year/365days)*1day/3hrs*1hr/3600sec

= 6.02E23*1/365*1/3*1/3600 years

To determine if you can win the bet, let's calculate the total number of M&Ms you would eat in a year by eating one M&M every second for three hours a day.

First, let's calculate the total number of seconds in three hours:
3 hours = 3 x 60 minutes = 180 minutes
180 minutes = 180 x 60 seconds = 10,800 seconds

Now, let's calculate the total number of M&Ms you would eat in a day:
M&Ms per day = 10,800 seconds

Next, multiply the number of M&Ms per day by 365 to find the number of M&Ms you would eat in a year:
M&Ms per year = M&Ms per day x 365

Finally, let's calculate how many moles of M&Ms this would be. One mole is equal to 6.022 x 10^23.

Moles of M&Ms per year = M&Ms per year / (6.022 x 10^23)

Now we can calculate the number of years it would really take:

Number of years = Moles of M&Ms per year / 1 mole

Plug in the values to calculate the number of years.

To determine whether you can win the bet, let's calculate the number of M&Ms you can eat in a year based on the given conditions.

First, we need to know the number of M&Ms in one mole. One mole is equal to Avogadro's number, which is approximately 6.022 × 10^23. This means that there are 6.022 × 10^23 M&Ms in a mole.

Next, we need to calculate the number of M&Ms you can eat in one second. You mentioned that you can eat one M&M every second, so that rate is 1 M&M/second.

Now, let's calculate the number of M&Ms you can eat in three hours. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute, there are 60 seconds * 60 minutes = 3600 seconds in an hour. Therefore, you can eat 1 M&M/second * 3600 seconds = 3600 M&Ms in one hour.

Multiplying the number of M&Ms you can eat in an hour by 3 hours, we get 3600 M&Ms/hour * 3 hours = 10,800 M&Ms in three hours.

Now, let's calculate the number of M&Ms you can eat in a week. Since you eat M&Ms for 7 days, you can eat 10,800 M&Ms/day * 7 days = 75,600 M&Ms in a week.

Finally, to calculate the number of M&Ms you can eat in a year, we multiply the number of M&Ms you can eat in a week by 365 days. So, you can eat 75,600 M&Ms/week * 365 days = 27,594,000 M&Ms in a year.

Since there are 6.022 × 10^23 M&Ms in a mole, it would take you 6.022 × 10^23 M&Ms / 27,594,000 M&Ms/year = approximately 2.18 × 10^16 years to eat one mole of M&Ms.

Therefore, based on these calculations, it would take an immense amount of time (roughly 21 quintillion years) to eat one mole of M&Ms following the given conditions.