How are food-borne illnesses contracted? What are some ways you can protect yourself and others from food-borne illnesses at home? Give three examples to support your answer.

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How are food-borne illnesses contracted? What are some ways you can protect yourself and others from food-borne illnesses at home

Food-borne illnesses can be contracted by consuming food or beverages that are contaminated with harmful microorganisms or toxins. These can be a result of improper handling, storage, or preparation of food. To protect yourself and others from food-borne illnesses at home, it's important to follow proper food safety practices. Here are three examples of ways to protect yourself and others:

1. Cleanliness and hygiene: Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling food. Also, make sure to clean and sanitize all surfaces, utensils, and cutting boards that come into contact with food. This helps eliminate bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause food-borne illnesses.

2. Safe temperature control: Ensure that food is stored, cooked, and reheated at the correct temperatures. Bacteria can multiply rapidly in the temperature danger zone (40°F - 140°F or 4°C - 60°C). Refrigerate perishable foods promptly, cook meat and poultry to the appropriate internal temperatures, and avoid leaving food at room temperature for more than two hours.

3. Avoid cross-contamination: Keep raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs separate from other foods to prevent cross-contamination. This can be done by using separate cutting boards and utensils for raw and cooked foods. It's also essential to prevent raw juices from coming into contact with other foods, either by using separate containers or by placing them in sealed bags within the refrigerator.

Following these practices will significantly reduce the risk of contracting food-borne illnesses at home. It's also important to always trust your senses and discard any food that appears or smells spoiled.