It asks:For each of the following atomic numbers, use the periodic table to write the formula (including the charge) for the simple ion that the element is most likely to form in ionic compounds. For example, they gave 56, and the answer is Ba(2+), but I don't understand how you are to figure that out...

Stan HKT48

Get a periodic chart. There are many numbers on the chart and the one you want to find is the atomic number. That's the ONLY number on the chart that increases by 1 from an element to the next element. For example, H is 1, He is 2, Li is 3, Be is 4, B is 5, C is 6 etc. When the problem give you an atomic number you simply find that number on the chart and that's the element. For 56 that is Ba. You write the charge from the column. Column 1 would be A^+, column (a in Ba) is Ba^2+, column 3 is A^3+ (Al is an example). V, VI, and VII are -3, -2, ad -1. Etc.

To determine the formula and charge for the simple ion that an element is most likely to form in ionic compounds, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the element: In this case, the given atomic number is 56. Using the periodic table, find the element with an atomic number of 56. In this case, it is Barium (Ba).

2. Note the group number: Elements in the same group of the periodic table tend to have similar properties and form ions with similar charges. Barium is in Group 2 of the periodic table.

3. Determine the charge of the ion: The charge of the ion formed by an element can often be determined by its position on the periodic table. Group 1 elements tend to lose one electron and form ions with a 1+ charge, while Group 2 elements tend to lose two electrons and form ions with a 2+ charge.

Since Barium (Ba) is in Group 2, it likely forms a 2+ ion (Ba2+). This means that in ionic compounds, Barium will lose two electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration and form a positive ion with a charge of 2+.

So, the answer to the question is Ba(2+) - The simple ion that Barium is most likely to form in ionic compounds is Ba2+ with a charge of 2+.

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