An elevator when full holds 20 kids or 15 adults. If 12 kids are on the elevator how many adults can still get on. I need to use an algebraic equation/expression to solve this word problem..I need step by step solutions to explain it...Thank you...

Set up a proportion

20 kids/15 adults = 12 kids/X adults
cross multiply

Thank you...I received several different ways to answer this problem with different answers......

To solve this word problem using algebraic equations, you can assume "x" to be the number of adults who can still get on the elevator.

1. Determine the maximum capacity of the elevator: It can either hold 20 kids or 15 adults. Since the capacity is based on the more restrictive option, the elevator can hold a maximum of 20 kids.

2. Write the equation to represent the given information: If 12 kids are already on the elevator, the remaining capacity for kids is 20 - 12 = 8 kids. Since each adult occupies the same space as 1 kid, the equation becomes:
15x = 8

3. Solve the equation: To find the value of x, divide both sides of the equation by 15:
15x / 15 = 8 / 15
x = 8/15

4. Simplify the fraction, if necessary: The fraction 8/15 is already in its simplest form.

Therefore, the solution is x = 8/15. This means that 8/15 of an adult can still get on the elevator. Since it is not possible to have a fraction of an adult, we can conclude that no additional adults can get on the elevator if 12 kids are already on board.