I have to use this equation to get the answer (t)=time.

I divided t by both sides, but get a little confuse do I divide V by both sides as while is the answer:
t = V/s+a/S??

step 1:

V - S = at
Step 2:
now divide both sides by a

(V-S)/a = t , (the brackets are necessary when typing on here)

To isolate the variable t in the equation V = S + a*t, you need to perform algebraic manipulation step by step. Here's the correct process:

1. Start with the equation: V = S + a*t.
2. Subtract S from both sides of the equation to isolate the term involving t: V - S = a*t.
3. Divide both sides of the equation by a to solve for t: (V - S)/a = t.

So the correct equation, isolating t, is: t = (V - S)/a.

You only need to divide both sides of the equation by a, not by both S and a.