Urgent Help

- I need to translate this sentence into Latin

There is nothing new under the sky

Tried this on my new amazing NEXUS 7 tablet and it said:

>b>Nihil sub sole novum

( it even spoke it out for me)

But you better rely on one of our Latin tutors to be sure

Yeah you're right! I got that as well Thanks!

Can you do other sentences for me as well?

The sentence Reiny gave you is mostly correct, except I see no verb in it. The sentence should start out with "Est..."

What other sentences do you have? Keep in mind that no one here will DO all your homework for you!

To translate the sentence "There is nothing new under the sky" into Latin, you can use the following phrase:

"Sub sole nihil novum est."

Now, let me explain how we arrived at this translation:

1. Start with the sentence: "There is nothing new under the sky."
2. Identify the key elements that need translation: "nothing new" and "under the sky."
3. Translate "nothing new":
- "Nothing" can be translated as "nihil" in Latin.
- "New" can be translated as "novum" in Latin.
- Combine these words to get "nihil novum" which means "nothing new."
4. Translate "under the sky":
- "Under" can be translated as "sub" in Latin.
- "The sky" can be translated as "sole" in Latin.
- Combine these words to get "sub sole" which means "under the sky."
5. Finally, put the translated elements together to get the complete translation:
"Sub sole nihil novum est."

Please note that when translating, context is important, and there may be alternative translations depending on the specific nuances and intended meaning of the original sentence.