Solve the following for the indicated variable.

V = 1/3Bh for B
(volume of a pyramid)

Multiply both sides by 3 and divide both sides by h.

To solve for B in the equation V = 1/3Bh, you need to isolate B on one side of the equation. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Start with the given equation: V = 1/3Bh

Step 2: Multiply both sides of the equation by 3 to get rid of the fraction: 3V = B * h

Step 3: Divide both sides of the equation by h: (3V) / h = B
B = (3V) / h

So, the formula to solve for B is B = (3V) / h. This means that the value of B in terms of V and h is equal to 3 times the volume (V) of the pyramid divided by the height (h) of the pyramid.