What mass of NaCl is contained in 24.88g of a 15.00% by mass solution of NaCl in water?

the answer is 3.73g but i don't know how to get this answer..

15.00% = 0.1500

Multiply 24.88 grams by 0.1500


To find the mass of NaCl in the solution, we need to calculate the amount of NaCl present in the 15.00% solution by mass.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to decimal form.
15.00% = 0.15

Step 2: Calculate the mass of NaCl in the solution.
Mass of NaCl = Mass of solution × Percentage of NaCl
Mass of NaCl = 24.88 g × 0.15
Mass of NaCl = 3.732 g

Therefore, the mass of NaCl contained in 24.88 g of a 15.00% by mass solution of NaCl is 3.732 g (rounded to 3 decimal places).

To find the mass of NaCl contained in a solution, you need to use the given information about the percentage by mass. Here's how you can solve it step by step:

Step 1: Understand the given information:
- The solution is 15.00% by mass NaCl, which means that for every 100g of the solution, 15g is NaCl.

Step 2: Determine the mass of the solution:
- You are given that the mass of the solution is 24.88g.

Step 3: Calculate the mass of NaCl in the solution:
- Since the solution is 15.00% NaCl, you can calculate the mass of NaCl using the following equation:
mass of NaCl = (percentage by mass of NaCl / 100) x mass of the solution

Mass of NaCl = (15.00 / 100) x 24.88

Step 4: Perform the calculation:
- Calculate the value: (15.00 / 100) = 0.15
- Now, multiply the result by the mass of the solution:
Mass of NaCl = 0.15 x 24.88

Step 5: Calculate the final result:
Mass of NaCl = 3.732 g

Therefore, the mass of NaCl contained in 24.88g of a 15.00% by mass solution of NaCl in water is 3.73g.