10 5/18 – 8 5/6 (1 point)

2 5/9
2 13/18
1 4/9
1 11/18

9 23/18 - 8 15/18 = ?

1 8/18 =

1 4/9


To solve the expression 10 5/18 - 8 5/6, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert all mixed numbers to improper fractions.
10 5/18 can be written as (10 * 18 + 5) / 18 = 185/18.
8 5/6 can be written as (8 * 6 + 5) / 6 = 53/6.

Step 2: Find the common denominator.
The common denominator of 18 and 6 is 18, since it is the smallest number that both denominators can evenly divide into.

Step 3: Perform the subtraction.
Subtract the fractions:
185/18 - 53/6 = (185 * 6)/(18 * 6) - (53 * 3)/(6 * 3) = 1,110/108 - 159/18.

Step 4: Simplify the fractions.
To simplify further, we need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of 108 and 18, which is 108.

(1,110/108) can be simplified to (10/1) and (159/18) can be simplified to (53/6).

Step 5: Perform the final subtraction.
10/1 - 53/6 = (10 * 6)/(1 * 6) - 53/6 = 60/6 - 53/6 = 7/6.

So, the answer to the expression 10 5/18 - 8 5/6 is 1 1/6, which can be written as 1 11/18.

Therefore, the correct answer is 1 11/18.